Monthly Archives: February 2012


“And he is—Oh, well! He is just himself, and I miss him, and miss him, and miss him. The whole world seems empty and aching. I hate the moonlight because it’s beautiful and he isn’t here to see it with me. But maybe you’ve loved somebody too, and you know? If you have, I don’t need to explain; if you haven’t, I can’t explain.”  —Jean Webster, DLL

fresh air.

“Oh, I’m developing a beautiful character! It droops a bit under cold and frost, but it does grow fast when the sun shines.” —Jean Webster, Daddy Long Legs

We’re happily settled in a little place of our own, in tumble-down-lovely Üsküdar, walking the boardwalk most afternoons and breathing in deep the smell of the sea.  For a few, glorious days, it seemed like spring had come early to İstanbul.

There is great promise of good things to come.

little ship

A gift from my dear Tasha:


Little ship, from the east

As you fly from the sun

Do you fear, in the least

For the race you’ve begun?


I can see, little ship

And quite well do I know

How your nose, with its tip,

Cuts the waves as you go.


Do not laugh, little ship,

Till your sides split in two;

For if they dropped apart

Then pray what could we do?


Who would help, little ship?

Would the waves? Or some elf?

Or if not, do you think,

I could fix you myself?


Little ship, from the east

When your voyage is done,

Do not doubt in the least

That your course was well run.